Interesting to Know

Italian Phrases: How to Sound Like a Local

Page Content:

  1. Basic Italian
  2. Advanced Italian

If the only words in Italian you know are “pasta”, “pizza”, and “amore”, there are few more you might need to learn. You might have just started learning Italian. Then, some basic Italian phrases you can use in a restaurant or hotel may come in hand. In case you’ve been practicing for some time now, there still are many expressions and local sayings you might not be aware of. We’ve collected the most interesting ones and grouped them into different categories. You can easily find what you want and pretend to be a local Italian citizen for some time.

italian phrases

1. Basic Italian Phrases

Hello! Ciao!
How are you?Come va?
Long time no see!Quanto tempo!
Excuse me!Scusa!
Please.Per favore.
Can you help me?Mi può aiutare?
I don’t understand.Non capisco.

2. Advanced Italian Phrases

Salve, come va?Hello, how’s it going?
Che ne so!How should I know?!
Non mi va.I don’t feel like it.
Rompere il ghiaccioTo break the ice in a conversation.
Neanche per sogno!In your dreams!
AlloraThen/therefore/in that case
MagariIf only…
Vacci piano!Take it easy.

Phrases to use when you are angry:

Piantala!/Smettila!Stop it!
Come ti pare.Whatever.
Attento a come parli.Watch your mouth.
Chi ti credi di essere?Who do you think you are?
Stai scherzando?Are you kidding me?
Sta’zitto!Shut up!

To be continued…