Italian is one of the most melodic languages in the world. Whenever someone speaks it, it’s like listening to a wonderful rhythmic song. If you add expressive hand movements to the picture, every conversation starts to look like an exciting movie.

Italian is one of the most melodic languages in the world. Whenever someone speaks it, it’s like listening to a wonderful rhythmic song. If you add expressive hand movements to the picture, every conversation starts to look like an exciting movie.
Some think that learning French is as magical and delightful as using it in a conversation. However, many aspects make the studying process quite challenging. Even such a simple phrase as “nice to meet you” has many nuances in terms of translation. Some of them are appropriate to use only in informal situations.
So, you’ve decided to learn German. It might have been a tough decision because it is not the easiest language to learn. No matter if you’ve decided to master the German language to use it in your career’s development or just communicate with your German-speaking friends, you will need to know the numerous ways of greetings.
You might already know that Russian is a difficult language to learn. The pronunciation is too tricky. It may even seem that there are no similar sounds in Russian and English at all.
hinese is the most widely spoken language in the world, so there is no surprise about the fact that you want to learn it. As you might already know, there are two versions – Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
The biggest challenge of translating a literary piece to another language is to communicate the initial idea of the author. It might be difficult to do so because a translator needs to understand the context and use a similar writing style.
You can name many famous Russian authors that have left a notable footprint in the history of literature. We all have heard of or even read the books written by Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov. Some of them are a part of the recommended literature list, others attract the attention of millions just because they are world famous. We have prepared a short list of Russian books translated into English you might not have heard of yet but which are definitely worth your attention. If you speak Russian, you will easily find the books in multiple formats. In case you don’t, you can get translated versions that are available online and in major bookstores. Here we go.
The reason why Kiswahili/Swahili is so diverse is that there were many traders from around the world who visited the African coast and enriched the language with their native words. The language is still popular as there are around 50 million people speaking it. If you are looking for some business opportunities or simply have always dreamed of visiting Africa, don’t miss the chance to learn some of the common Kiswahili phrases. Even if this will be the first time you get familiar with this language, there are still good chances for you to pronounce the expressions correctly. The pronunciation is simple as you sound out every letter. Don’t change your mind and learn these expressions even if you will use them only once in your life. It is worth it. The people you talk to will appreciate your efforts.
Hindi is one of the most-spoken languages in the world. If you are looking for some business opportunities or just want to visit the beautiful country of India, these phrases will come in hand. Locals always appreciate foreigners taking the effort of learning even a few expressions. When meeting with business partners, it is always a good sign of respect to learn basic Hindi phrases. As soon as you start learning Hindi, you will dive deep into the culture that is very different from the western one. Enjoy the new discoveries and open a whole new understanding of the world around you. To start your journey, check out these categories of Hindi expressions.
You’ve probably heard the hypothesis of the Chinese language becoming the language of the future. There is no way to know if all the nations will speak some kind of an alternative version of Chinese but it will be a smart move to start learning it today. Apart from having good prospects for the future environment, knowing basic Chinese phrases can lead the way to success in business. In case you are an entrepreneur and would like to expand your business to China, learning some of the common expressions will help you a lot.