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Norwegian Phrases: How to Sound Like a Local

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Page Content:

  1. Basic Norwegian
  2. Advanced Norwegian
  3. Essentials for Tourists

Norway is a beautiful Scandinavian country and you will be lucky to visit it one day (in case you still haven’t done it). There is a lot to see and to do whether you are going on vacation there or having a business meeting. The Norwegian language is very diverse and it will be difficult to learn some of the local Norwegian phrases. In this article, you will find different categories of expressions that might come in hand during your journey.

norwegian phrases

1. Basic Norwegian Phrases

Hello! Hei!
How are you?Hvordan går det med Deg?
Pleased to meet you.Artig å treffe deg.
Please.Vær så snill.
Thank you.Takk.
Have a nice day.Ha en fin dag.
Have a nice meal!Vel bekomme!

2. Advanced Norwegian Phrases

Hey there.Hei! Venn!
That’s cool.Det er k.
It’s never so bad that it’s not good for something!Det er aldri så galt at det ikke er godt for noe!
No clue.Hakke peiling.

Phrases to use when you are angry:

Go away!/Leave me alone.La meg være alene!
That is very stupid.Det er hull i hodet.
To do something very stupid.Drite på leggen.

3. Essentials for Tourists

Tourist InformationTuristinformasjon
Police StationPolitistasjon
Store/Shop Butikk
Train stationJernbanestasjon
Bus stationBusstasjon
Norwegian Subway, UndergroundT-bane
One ticket to …, please.En billett til …, takk.

To be continued…