Interesting to Know

German Phrases: How to Sound Like a Local

The lack of foreign language skills can be quite stressful while traveling. There definitely will be a situation when there is no opportunity to avoid interaction with local people. No matter on what level of studying common German phrases you might be, there are always some useful expressions that can save the day.

Page Content:

  1. Basic German Phrases
  2. Advanced German Phrases
  3. Meeting Someone
  4. Talking to a Colleague
  5. Talking to a Friend
  6. German Idioms

german phrases

You know that the phrases you find in textbooks can be completely different from those the Germans use in their everyday life. In this article, you will find all sorts of phrases in German that you can use to sound like a native. We’ve grouped them into different categories for your convenience.

Translation Tips

Top CAT Tools to Increase Your Productivity

online translation tools

Page Content:

  1. Free Tools
  2. Free-Based Tools
  3. Cloud Based Tools
  4. Popular CAT Tools
  5. Translator’s Community

If the first association you have when seeing the three letters C-A-T is a fluffy adorable creature, you are definitely not a translator. Professional translators would immediately think of the Computer-Assisted Translation. CAT tools help you increase productivity a lot. Choosing the right one might be challenging and we want to help you.

Interesting to Know

Go Global: Appropriate Topics of Conversation With A Foreigner


  1. Spain
  2. Switzerland
  3. Sweden
  4. Singapore
  5. Saudi Arabia
  6. South Korea
  7. South Africa
  8. Scotland

How to start a conversation with a foreign prospective business partner? What topics are appropriate for discussing with them and which are not? Are there topics that would melt their hearts and make a conciliatory gesture towards you? You might be surprised by the number of different communication taboos that exist around the globe. There is no way you can make a guess based on your cultural experience that will meet the expectations of a conversation partner from another country. However, you as an entrepreneur still need to make a positive first impression on your colleagues and investors. Let’s explore the appropriate topics of conversation that are present in different parts of the world.

Translation Tips

Psychological Aspects of International Web Design  

Page Content:

  1. Hierarchies and inequality
  2. Collectivist and individualist cultures
  3. Masculinity/femininity traits
  4. Having Fun
  5. Fear of Uncertainty

The golden rule of marketing is to know your audience and create messages about your product or service that will be appealing to that audience. Every type of an audience requires a marketer to use a specific way of presenting the information to get his message across. It is not an easy task to do but things get even more complicated when we talk about international businesses and startups. The web design can be the key to communication between you and your customers.

Analyzing the cultural differences and psychological aspects of the market you want to conquer is a crucial part of starting a business outside your homeland. Therefore, this is a new unexplored territory and you need to gather some helpful facts. Luckily, a great scientist, Geert Hofstede, has done a tremendous work to make the research easier. Here are the most detailed guide to creating a successful web design for different countries of the world using psychological tools.

Interesting to Know

Moving from the U.S. to Sweden: What’s It Like?

Our editor Susan decided to move to Sweden and start a new stage of her life there. She shares some interesting facts about her experience.

Page Content:

  1. Challenges
  2. Benefits

Realisationsvinstbeskattning. This is the longest word in Swedish you can find in the dictionary. The Swedish language is much more flexible that English and allows you to create extremely long words without breaking any grammar rules. If you are creative enough, you can come up with a word consisting of more than 90 letters. After finding out about these facts, learning Swedish may seem impossible and moving to Sweden like a foolish idea. After all, it is the language barrier that plays a significant role in the adaptation process.

But this information did not stop me from moving from the U.S. to Sweden. I’ve been to Stockholm for many times and can say that this is one of the few places that makes me feel like home. I enjoy the calm atmosphere, caring people, and even those rare sunny days which you begin appreciate much more after coming here. It was not that hard to make the final decision and pack my bags. If you think of moving to Sweden someday, I’d like to share some of my insights with you.

Moving from the U.S. to Sweden

Go Global

Go Global with Translateshark: Hong Kong, China

Page Content:

  1. Why Choose Hong Kong
  2. Business Tips

Let’s continue discovering the options of starting a business overseas. This post is dedicated to Hong Kong and the great opportunities for entrepreneurs it can offer. Although it is a Chinese special administrative region, it has a completely different law system. This aspect has numerous benefits for international business people.

hong kong business

Go Global

Go Global with Translateshark: Canada

Page Content:

  1. Why Choose Canada
  2. Business Tips

We continue to share some practical tips on going global with your business. We’ve already shared the insights on business opportunities New Zealand has to offer and it’s time to check what a young investor can expect from starting a company in Canada. It is a multinational country with promising ratings in economic growth and business development. The government supports the economy with fair tax costs and convenient regulatory norms. Canada definitely deserves paying close attention to the opportunities it gives to a foreign entrepreneur.


Go Global

Go Global with Translateshark: New Zealand

Page Content:

  1. Why Choose New Zealand?
  2. Business Tips

Many of the world’s business people if not all of them dream of building a successful multinational company. The feeling of creating something that people all around the globe need and appreciate is indescribable. It constitutes that an entrepreneur has managed to find a universal language that not only local customers understand. Or alternatively, s/he might have discovered several specific approaches to engage the international audience speaking different languages.

In most of the cases, conquering new markets is a logical step in the development process of any type of business. After a time-consuming and thorough analysis, it becomes obvious what country to choose for the business expansion. What to do next? How to communicate the benefits of your company? Where to find help? To overcome the challenges, it will be helpful and inspiring to know a little about those who’ve managed to succeed. We’ve gathered the stories of the great entrepreneurs from all around the world to give you the useful tips and necessary information.

We’ll start with New Zealand as it is one of the most welcoming countries for foreigners who want to build a business there.

new zealand

Interesting to Know

The Surprizing Effects of Learning Languages

Page Content:

  1. Bigger Brain
  2. Better Health
  3. Smarter Children
  4. Successful Career

A shocking fact: of all the languages we have today, only a tiny fraction will stay in the future. The humanity is on its way to creating a universal language everybody will understand. The languages of today will either alter a lot or disappear with some time. Does that mean that there is no rational reason to learn a foreign language except for becoming more educated? Why should you dedicate time to learning French if you are not planning to stay in France for more than a couple of weeks, right? And do your children need to do it as well?

learning languages

Interesting to Know

8 Top Travel Budget Apps

Page Content:

  1. For for leisure time
  2. For business trips

It is often not the lack of time or the impossibility to take a week off from work that holds us back from traveling. The high probability of exceeding one’s budget after coming back home brings all the motivation and excitement down. The psychological effect of any trip may be quite dangerous. The feeling of finally going on vacation makes you believe that you’ve deserved that expensive souvenir and have the right for that over-the-budget dinner in a famous restaurant. There is nothing wrong with treating yourself to a nice dinner and comfortable hotel room. But you need to have a total control over your expenses not to spoil the positive impression of the trip afterward. That’s why there is such a great variety of travel budget apps.

For those tourists who don’t want to spend more than they’ve planned while traveling around the world, here’s a list of all kinds of apps that can help.